Edge Functions on Netlify

Reference examples for learning about Edge Functions on Netlify.

Image Response

You can use Edge Functions to return an image.

import type { Context } from "@netlify/edge-functions";

export default async (request: Request, context: Context) => {

  // Return an internal image using a rewrite
  // This image is stored in the /public directory of this project
  return new URL("/apple-touch-icon.png", request.url);

  // OR

  // Use fetch() and return the image response
  const kitten = await fetch("https://placekitten.com/g/300/300");
  return kitten;

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What are Edge Functions?

Using JavaScript and TypeScript, Netlify Edge Functions give you the power to modify network requests to localize content, serve relevant ads, authenticate visitors, A/B test content, and much more!

This all happens at the Edge — directly from the worldwide location closest to each user.

To use Edge Functions on Netlify, add JavaScript or TypeScript files to a /netlify/edge-functions directory in your project.

Learn more in the docs.

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